There are many different ‘date’ fields among the Citation Metadata: Publication Date, Production Date, Distribution Date, Date of Collection, Deposit Date. What is the meaning of these date fields?
Why can’t I see domain specific metadata, or other domain adaptations, in the Data Station Life Sciences and/or the Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences?
I have provided my dataset with geospatial metadata (point data and/or bounding boxes). Why is there no geographical interface to search for datasets by locality?
How can I make use of files with restricted access?
I would like to have more information about a dataset, who can I contact?
What new features do the Data Stations have compared to their predecessor EASY?
What are the differences between the Terms of Use for the DANS Data Stations and for their predecessor EASY?
Can I use my EASY account to log into the DANS Data Stations?
What happens to access requests to a restricted access dataset in EASY, after the dataset has been moved to a DANS Data Station?
Why has my SSH dataset not yet migrated from EASY to the DANS Data Station SSH?